American beauty is a classical drama movie directed by Sam mendes and written by Alan ball. this epic story consists of a family living in the suburbs of American town. this fantastic tale shows he audience how life of an adult can be and how meek and dull it can become, American beauty focuses on high lighting society issues through the film and how they affect the average American citizen's life martial problems, job entrapment and unhappiness. the main character Lester meets his daughter's friend Angela and becomes enamoured with her lighting a fuse within himself that leads to drastic changes which the audience see as the film commences, along the way the protagonist in this amazing film realises his life and marriage is a failure along with his relationship with his daughter is gone therefore he decides to do something about his shattered gloomy life leading him to live his American dream which is symbolised through him buying the car he always wanted quiting his job etc. the eccentric enamouring he has for Angela progresses as it pushes Lester to work out after overhearing a conversation about him between his daughter and Angela and angela prefering men with 'muscles' this then gave lester the drive to make himself more fit and healthy showing the audience the effect she has on him, even though this type of attention from lester towards angela is considered wrong it just indicates how lonely and desperate for attention he feels.Lester's daughter creates a oddlly and emotionally bonding relationship with the boy next door ricky which shows the symbolism of beatuty in life through the most mundane things i.e a plastic bag blowing through the wind.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
American Beauty
American beauty is a classical drama movie directed by Sam mendes and written by Alan ball. this epic story consists of a family living in the suburbs of American town. this fantastic tale shows he audience how life of an adult can be and how meek and dull it can become, American beauty focuses on high lighting society issues through the film and how they affect the average American citizen's life martial problems, job entrapment and unhappiness. the main character Lester meets his daughter's friend Angela and becomes enamoured with her lighting a fuse within himself that leads to drastic changes which the audience see as the film commences, along the way the protagonist in this amazing film realises his life and marriage is a failure along with his relationship with his daughter is gone therefore he decides to do something about his shattered gloomy life leading him to live his American dream which is symbolised through him buying the car he always wanted quiting his job etc. the eccentric enamouring he has for Angela progresses as it pushes Lester to work out after overhearing a conversation about him between his daughter and Angela and angela prefering men with 'muscles' this then gave lester the drive to make himself more fit and healthy showing the audience the effect she has on him, even though this type of attention from lester towards angela is considered wrong it just indicates how lonely and desperate for attention he feels.Lester's daughter creates a oddlly and emotionally bonding relationship with the boy next door ricky which shows the symbolism of beatuty in life through the most mundane things i.e a plastic bag blowing through the wind.
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